GEYZING: Over a hundred new members were welcomed into the Citizen Action Party (CAP)-Sikkim during the Panchayati Raj Day celebration held at Geyzing community hall on Monday. CAP-Sikkim chief coordinator Ganesh K. Rai greeted the new entrants with traditional khadas and hailed the occasion as a “step forward for reformation in Sikkim.”
Many prominent political figures of Sikkim and others have joined CAP-Sikkim, with the party’s headquarters set to be inaugurated on May 4 at Adampul near Gangtok, according to party sources.
In his address, Ganesh Rai stated that the new members have joined CAP-Sikkim with the belief that the party will bring about necessary reforms in Sikkim. He criticized CM Golay for neglecting National Panchayati Raj Day and instead attending a grant distribution program in Gangtok, ignoring the panchayats who work towards local self-governance.
Rai also called for accountability of the Chief Minister’s Discretionary Grants (CMDG), which are currently out of audit scope. He raised concerns about the lack of criteria for necessary audit of grants and questioned how the Chief Minister has been providing grants through channels that remain unaudited.
“The concentration of power within an individual or the highest office of the government is a dangerous trend, and people should not support such culture if they want a better Sikkim tomorrow,” said Rai, noting that Sikkim has not seen any real change under the SKM rule, as the power remains confined to Mintokgang, similar to the past SDF government.
CAP-Sikkim has been gaining traction with the addition of new members who believe in the party’s mission of bringing about positive changes in the state. The party aims to address the current chaotic environment in Sikkim and work towards restoring peace and tranquility. The upcoming inauguration of the party’s headquarters is expected to be a significant milestone in its journey towards becoming a prominent political force in the state.
Chief Minister PS Golay’s absence from the Panchayati Raj Day celebration and his focus on grant distribution has raised eyebrows, with critics calling for more accountability and transparency in the allocation of discretionary grants. The concentration of power in the highest office has also been a cause for concern, with CAP-Sikkim emphasizing the need for a more decentralized and inclusive approach to governance.
As Sikkim continues to witness political developments, the role of Citizen Action Party -Sikkim and its growing membership will be closely watched by political analysts and observers alike. The party’s commitment to necessary reforms and its vision for a better Sikkim has resonated with many, and its upcoming headquarters inauguration is expected to be a significant event that will shape the state’s political landscape in the coming days.
Gangtokian Web Team, 25/04/2023