The Blood Gang (United Blood Nation) is a notorious US gang founded in the 1970s to rival the Crips. Their fame grew due to their viciousness and their 31 ubn rules serve as a code of conduct. The Bloods remain a significant presence in many US cities today.
One of the most well-known features of the Bloods is their use of the number 31 in their symbolism. An intelligence report states that the number zero symbolizes Blood, one represents all Bloods united, and three represents the 31 rules. This is why the Bloods often use the number 31 in their graffiti, tattoos, and other forms of gang identification.
31 Rules of Bloods
The 31 Rules of Bloods are a subset of the larger set of rules, which mainly include:
- Discrimination will not be tolerated in our organization.
- There will be no snitches in our organization.
- There will be no rapists in our organization.
- In our organization, we will treat each Blood as an individual.
- Every commanding officer in our organization will be respected.
- We will never argue in front of outsiders in our organization.
- We must always make our Blood affiliation known in our organization.
- In our organization, we must respect others to be respected.
- We will not disrespect any other organizations that are not enemies of our organization.
- We will never discuss our problems with outsiders in our organization.
- No member of our group will ever be denied a meal or a drink.
- We will never mistake another Blood’s kindness for weakness in our organization.
- Unless we have a family visit or are attending a funeral, we will attend all Nation meetings in our organization.
- We will maintain a receptive and vigilant attitude at all times, whether in court or elsewhere within the company.
- We will never initiate a conflict in our organization unless it is necessary. Everything we do has an impact on every Blood. Always put your best effort into it.
- We will never play with bloody hands in our organization to avoid misunderstandings.
- No one will be accepted into our organization solely for protection or profit.
- The United Blood Nation must take precedence over religion in our organization.
- In addition to providing new Blood inmates with clothing and food, our organization will also offer them soap, shampoo, powder, deodorant, money, security, and phone time.
- In our organization, we will consistently demonstrate obedience so that outside our cipher can judge us based on who we are and what our organization can accomplish.
- Every day with authority, we will salute each Blood with our organization’s Lock and Load shake!
- We will never steal from another Blood in our organization.
- We must be branded with three dots on the right arm of our organization. The three dots must form a triangle representing a dogs paw. The Blood code is the “triple 0” (000), which can be represented by the three dots.
- Our group should celebrate the 31st of October, 1993 as the rebirth of the U.B.N. and take great pride in the number 31.
- We will never attack neutrals in our organization.
- Racism will not be tolerated in our organization.
- We will always prioritize intelligence over emotion in our organization.
- Each U.B.N. set will have its Book, which will be updated and distributed to all members as soon as an update occurs.
- We will honor O.G. Mack as our organization’s God Father of the reborn United Blood Nation.
- Blood Drops will be created in our organization by breeding with Bloodletters.
- We will always put in work and recruit in our organization.
The history of the Blood Gang
The Blood Gang was formed in the 1970s, when young men from all over New York City wanted to form a gang that would protect them. The Bloods gang takes its name from a novel by Truman Capote about two boys who form an organization based on their violent past.
The Blood Gang got its name from Truman Capote’s book “Blood Meridian”. This book is about two boys who join forces with other kids to stop bullies from hurting them. They’re tired of being picked on by other groups, so they work together to protect themselves.
Symbolism and Significance of the 31 Rules of Bloods
The 31 rules of bloods for UBN members are a code of conduct that must be strictly adhered to. These rules show how to behave in the gang and also show that the Bloods are together and loyal to each other.
Breaking any of these rules can result in severe punishment, including expulsion from the gang.
Impact on Communities
The Bloods are known for their involvement in criminal enterprises such as drug trafficking, extortion, and robbery. Gang activities have a significant impact on the communities in which they operate, leading to increased crime rates, fear, and mistrust. Police are trying to stop the Bloods and other gangs, but it’s still a big problem.
Why the Blood Gang was formed
The Blood Gang started in Los Angeles a long time ago. A group of African-American men made it because they didn’t like how the New York police department treated them. They wanted to create a sense of community and protection for themselves and others who shared similar experiences. They formed the Blood Gang to protect themselves and their group from police brutality and oppression.
Other gang affiliations
The Bloods have been known to work with other gangs that share similar ideologies and goals. For example, they were once connected with the Crips gang but are not a part of it anymore.
The Bloods are also affiliated with the Latin Kings, who are a street gang based out of Los Angeles. The Latin King SS has been seen wearing red and blue, which are the same colors as the Bloods, although their design is slightly different.
In addition to these two groups being affiliated with each other in various ways over time.
A feature in a 2008 documentary
“The Blood Gang” is a story about the real history of the Bloods, who are one of the biggest gangs on the streets of California.
The documentary was produced by National Geographic and aired on PBS in 2008, but it’s also available online.
Mario Van Peebles, who played King in Straight Outta Compton (2015), narrates this documentary, so it’s bound to be good!
Their connection to hip-hop artists
- Lil Wayne is reportedly associated with the Bloods although his specific ties are unclear.
- Controversial rap god Tekashi 6ix9ine has been open about his affiliation with the Nine Trey Gangster Bloods.
- In 2017, Cardi B tweeted that she has “been a big time Blood since I was 16.”
- Chris Brown is not an initiated member of The Bloods, but he is affiliated to the point where he is allowed to use the gang signs in his music videos and performances.
The most important thing you need to know about the Blood Gang
The most crucial thing you need to know about the Blood Gang is that red is their color. The Bloods have a picture of a red cross, which is from when they used to be called the Redside Bloods or RSC (Red Side Crips). This gang began as friends who united to fight rival gangs like Crips and Bloods. The Bloods wanted everyone in Los Angeles to be friends and work together so that no other gangs could take their land.
These two groups gained popularity due to their diverse graffiti art on walls around town, which started a graffiti war. Celebrities found themselves drawn to this lifestyle because they could relate to it. They got tattoos and wore clothing brands like Supreme, which made sense because both communities love fashion.
The Bloods are more influential than you might think
The Bloods are more influential than you might think. In fact, they have been known to have a hand in some of the most high-profile criminal cases in recent history.
Some people say the Bloods hurt rappers Tupac Shakur and Biggie Smalls, but nobody knows for sure. Tupac was killed on September 7th, 1996, and Biggie was shot on March 9th, 1997. They were both very famous in music and had friends in hip-hop. People are still trying to know what happened to them.
One member was sentenced to life imprisonment while another received 25 years behind bars.
UBN Rule For Members
- No disciplinary actions snitching.
- No disrespecting the gang.
- Don’t do drugs, unless you’re on medical marijuana and in a state where it’s legal for adults. If you’re not sure about what’s legal in your area, ask an expert!
- Stealing from your own gang or any other gang, including SONAR, is not allowed. This also includes taking anything that belongs to someone else, even if they’re not there. It doesn’t matter how much money is involved; stolen items can’t be sold because that would harm everyone’s profits. It’s essential to avoid revenge, which could create more problems.
The Blood Gang Symbolism
The Blood Gang symbol is a red hand with a crown on top. The crown represents their status as royalty, and it’s often tattooed on the hands or arms of blood members.
The red hand is commonly used by the bloods to show loyalty to one’s gang by putting it in your eyes, or by having it tattooed somewhere on your body.
Why Did They Become So Violent?
The Bloods are a violent gang. Their violence has been recorded in the media since its founding in the 1970s, and their criminal activities have continued to this day.
The Bloods are also a street gang who live in the city where the police can’t catch them easily. They do bad things like steal cars and sell drugs. They usually live in places where there isn’t a lot of money. That’s why they are called gangs.
The Bloods are a group involved in illegal drug trade in Charlotte, North Carolina. They sell drugs like marijuana and cocaine. Some people refer to them as a criminal organization, enterprise or terrorist organization.
More information
The Blood Gang is a street gang based in South Central Los Angeles, California. It was founded in 1971 by Stanley Tookie Williams and other members of the Crips gang. The Bloods are a well-known American street gang that has been in conflict with another major gang, the Crips, since their beginning.
The Bloods’ primary symbol is two swords crossing each other, with an “S” shaped blade at the top, shown beside a red background and white text saying “Blood”. You can customize the symbol based on your gang’s preference.
Most members of The Bloods wear red shirts or jackets with black pants or shorts underneath, with some choosing lighter versions while others prefer darker ones. All have tattoos covering their bodies except when they’re wearing hats/glasses etc.. For more information, you can watch The ‘BLOODS’ vs. The ‘CRIPS’ Documentary: A Gang War Made In ‘America’ here.
The rules of the Blood Gang are not mere guidelines, but a code of conduct that must be strictly followed by members. Breaking any of these rules can result in severe punishment, including expulsion from the gang.
The Blood Gang is known for its violent activities and its involvement in criminal enterprises such as drug trafficking, extortion, and robbery. The Bloods have been involved in ongoing conflicts with other gangs, both within their own cities and across the country. The Bloods are also known for their rivalry with the Crips, which has been ongoing for decades.
While the Bloods have a reputation for being a dangerous and violent gang, it is important to note that their activities have a significant impact on various communities. Gang violence and criminal activities can lead to increased crime rates, fear, and mistrust in these communities. Police and other agencies are trying to stop the Bloods and other gangs from committing crimes, but it’s still a big problem that needs attention.
The Blood Gang, or United Blood Nation (UBN) rules are individual gang that has been active in the United States for decades. The gang’s 31 rules of bloods serve as a code of conduct for its members and are closely followed.
The Bloods are known for their violent activities, criminal enterprises and ongoing conflicts with other gangs. Their activities have a significant impact on the communities in which they operate and their reputation is of fear and mistrust.
Law enforcement is strictly prohibited to combat their activities but the problem remains a significant concern.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the history of the Blood Gang?
Answer: The Blood Gang was founded in the 1970s in Los Angeles as a response to the dominant Crips gang. Despite having fewer members, their extreme violence and aggression have made them well-known and one of the most feared gangs in the US. They became the Crips’ prototypical adversary and expanded their reach to other cities across the country.
Do Bloods have a code?
Answer: The Bloods have a set of rules called the “31 rules of Bloods” that guide how they behave within the gang. These rules show the gang’s loyalty and unity. Breaking any of these rules can result in severe punishment, including expulsion from the gang.
What is a rule for the Bloods?
Answer: One of the blood rule is that members must never mistake another Blood’s kindness for weakness. This rule emphasizes the importance of maintaining a tough exterior and not showing vulnerability to others.
What does 662 mean to Bloods?
Answer: The number 662 is often used by the Bloods as a code for “MOB” which stands for Member of Bloods. It is used as a way to identify themselves with the gang and to show their affiliation.
What is the significance of the number 31 in the Bloods’ symbolism?
A report from Virginia State Police explains that the Bloods use symbolism, where zero represents Blood, one represents unity, and three represents 31 rules of bloods. This is why the Bloods often use the number 31 in their graffiti, tattoos, and other forms of gang identification.
Are the Bloods connected with other gangs?
Yes, the Bloods have been known to work with other gangs that share similar ideologies and goals. For example, they were once affiliated with the Crips gang but are not a part of it anymore. They also have connections with the Latin Kings, a street gang based out of Los Angeles.
What is the impact of the Bloods on communities?
The Bloods are known for their involvement in criminal enterprises such as drug trafficking, extortion, and robbery. Their activities have a significant impact on the communities in which they operate, leading to increased organized crime rates, fear, and mistrust. Police and other law enforcement agencies are working to prevent the Bloods and other gangs from engaging in illegal activities, but despite their efforts, it remains a significant issue that requires attention.
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